Liberty Intercept Blog

The Trouble with Corrosion

Written by Elaine Spitz | Mar 6, 2012 2:01:00 PM

Recent unseasonably warm weather in our area suggests there may be a bad corrosion season ahead of us. Corrosive gases are more active in warmer and more humid weather. To help you prepare, we offer:

Our short video: Do You Know What You're Spending on Corrosion?" The Intercept Technology heavy duty barrier packaging is simple, effective and easy to use in comparison with other old-fashioned barrier products. This video will tell you how.

Liberty's V.P. of Sales and Marketing, Joe Spitz, provides "6 Steps to Creating a Rust Inhibition Program" for your facility, including his "don't wait for the other shoe to drop" theory.

And this NACE International Video produced for The PBS Series "Spotlight On...." illustrates in horrifying detail why you should care about corrosion. "Spotlight On Corrosion"

Intercept packaging for corrosion and ESD protection is being used internationally by manufacturers in the following industries (partial list): aerospace, defense, medical equipment, electronics, oil, mining, and gas, automotive, jewelry, construction equipment, and consumer products.

Corrosion is everywhere, but can be controlled....prepare yourself.

Intercept Technology Packaging products fit within a sustainability strategy because they are reusable, recyclable, do not contain or use volatile components (No VOCs, Not a VCI) and leave a smaller carbon footprint than most traditional protective packaging products.