Picklex® 20 One Step Metal Prep


Unique Zero Cost, Zero Failure Green Product for One Step Complete Metal Surface Preparation/Pre-treatment before Welding, Painting, Powder coating, etc.

 Solving Rusting Problem, Rust Protection Problem, Welding failures and Adhesion failures

 US EPA Tested/Verified, Environmentally safe, Non-Hazardous, Water based, Value Added, Ready to use Product. National Award (2001) & Edison Award (2013) winner.

Picklex 20 pictures.001 (002)


Picklex 20 Features, Benefits and Savings:

  • Works on all Ferrous and Non-Ferrous metal surfaces
  • Performs multiple jobs in One Step.
  • Eliminates all Hazardous/Toxic chemicals such as, Solvent, Acid,        Phosphates (Iron & Zinc phosphate), Chromate (Alodine, Wash Primer with Chromate) etc.
  • Eliminates Blasting before Liquid Painting, Powder coating.
  • Eliminates Grinding to remove mill scale before Welding
  • Removes mill oil/cutting fluid, removes Surface Rust, provides a nano Conversion coating, Seal the coating and Stops the Oxidation Process, all in One Step.

  • Provides much better Welding than AWS/ASME Code Welding
  • Anti-spatter
  • Nano thickness Conversion coating. Performs Complete Metal Surface Preparation & Pre-treatment in One Step.
  • Eliminates removal of mill scale on Hot rolled steel before Top coating (passed 1000 hours of Salt Spray test with Primer/Paint without removing the mill scale)
  • Provides excellent Adhesion, even on Edges & Corners, where it usually fails.
  • Zero Welding failure and Paint Adhesion failure since 1998. Zero Re-Work.
  • Does not fall under any EPA or OSHA regulation.
  • Exceeded the Specifications & Quality requirements of Major companies (Goodrich Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, DOT TN., Bechtel Corp., United Coatings etc.)
  • Unit Cost: Few Cents per Sq. Ft. Shelf Life – Indefinite (No Waste)
  • Zero Product Cost after Use, because of Eliminating Blasting/Grinding and Re-Work
  • Solves all Quality problems in the Metal Industry, providing short and long-term Indoor Rust Protection, eliminating Welding failure and Paint failure (adhesion failure)
  • Saves Labor, Time, and Cost by eliminating Blasting & Re-work

View this 1-minute video for Picklex20 in action.

 Picklex® 20 is available in one gallon, 4 gallons, 5 gallons, 55 gallons drum, 275 gallons tote.


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