Liberty Intercept Blog

Heavy-Duty Barrier Packaging Saves Time

Written by Joe Spitz | Oct 13, 2011 12:13:00 PM

Manufacturing companies seeking to save time by eliminating the application of protective oils to their products may want to consider heavy duty barrier packaging as a solution. Besides time savings, other benefits to this approach include cleaner products and cleaner more streamlined operations.

In manufacturing, protective oils act as a barrier to corrosive gases, primarily in the protection of metals.  For many years American manufacturing companies have relied on protective oils to protect their products from corrosion when in-process, in storage, or in shipment.  For some, barrier packaging can solve that corrosion problem and at the same time lend to a quicker, more nimble operation.

There are multiple advantages to keeping your product clean and dry.  Using barrier packaging instead of applying oils can save you time in three key areas:

  1. Eliminate the application of protective oils that are sprayed, painted, dipped onto your product.  Often, numerous applications are applied within a parts production sequence.
  2. Eliminate cleaning the oil from the part. Similar to application, this procedure may happen more than once to a part within a manufacturing process.
  3. Reduce or eliminate the lag time in manufacturing; instead of sending the part to be cleaned, then into the next production step, with barrier packaging the part can go directly to the next manufacturing step which increasing your company’s efficiency. This may also be true for your customers; the time saving they can accrue shows consideration for their resources and profitability.

Perhaps you can think of other positive effects from the elimination of protective oils, specific to your operation.

For a competitive advantage, it's more important than ever for American companies to lower their cost of goods. By eliminating the time, materials, labor, and equipment required for application, removal, and disposal of oils, a company can become more efficient and lower operational costs to manufacture product.

Times Square Clock Tower photo by Kenny Wucy 

Intercept Technology Packaging products fit within a sustainability strategy because they are reusable, recyclable, do not contain or use volatile components (No VOCs, Not a VCI) and leave a smaller carbon footprint than most traditional protective packaging products.