Liberty Intercept Blog

Packaging Hartford - MFG4 2012

Written by Joe Spitz | Feb 20, 2012 3:45:00 PM

How refreshing! Hartford's Mayor, Pedro E. Segarra, told our group: “Hartford is fun.” Fun! He wasn’t complaining about the state of budgets and economic affairs within our glorious country, which is all that seems to be trumpeted today. It wasn’t “despite the economic shortfalls of federal allocation to states and cities...blah, blah, blah"; instead he proudly spoke of Hartford’s great and diverse restaurants rivaling the cuisine of other nearby cities like Boston, New York, and Providence. Hartford, CT, welcomes visitors with museums, luxury hotels, parks (Bushnell Park pictured), city walks, theaters, historical sites, free city transports, and “trained advisors” (essentially “security forces”), all within a short distance of the fairly new Connecticut Conference Center. “We will welcome you and your guest. All will feel safe and have fun enjoying our city... after a couple of days at the show, the local business owners will know your name,” claimed Mayor Segarra.

I believed the Mayor and after a tour of the stunning Conference Center, and my own short walk around the area, I was especially impressed by downtown Hartford. On this occasion, I was participating in a vendors’ luncheon for MFG4. The May 8-10, 2012, MFG4 Event stands for Manufacturing for the Future and the event’s concept is to bring together these four business segments; aerospace, defense, medical, and energy, with all their suppliers, to share ideas and products. According to the SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) web site for the event, “Mfg4 allows high-level manufacturing professionals to find integrated solutions to their most challenging production issues.”  This every other year event will supplement the annual EASTEC show in Springfield, MA. SME’s formula will be even years in Hartford and odd years in Springfield; transposable affairs in that there will be exhibitors, talks, presentations, notable keynotes, and constructive networking, but different themes and concepts. Both will be first-class events.

Liberty Packaging, my business, will have an exhibit at MFG4 - we fit perfectly into this new MFG4 concept. We will display our premier product line, Intercept Technology protective packaging. Intercept heavy-duty barrier packaging allows manufacturing companies working with metals to go oil-free to prevent corrosion on their metals. Typically when working with metals, the process is to place gunky oils on the parts to prevent corrosion. In many cases the oils need to be stripped off before the next step in the process, then the part is re-oiled once again. And so on. All the oiling, stripping, and disposal of these solutions, rags, and packaging is expensive and messy. For multiple reasons, including environmental protection, cost of goods savings, employee health, and safety for participating companies and their customers, inserting metals into an Intercept corrosion protection bag makes so much more sense. 

We look forward to visiting the lovely city of Hartford, meeting people, discussing our products and concepts, and as the Mayor stated: “having fun” at the first ever East Coast MFG4 Event.

Intercept Technology Packaging products fit within a sustainability strategy because they are reusable, recyclable, do not contain or use volatile components (No VOCs, Not a VCI) and leave a smaller carbon footprint than most traditional protective packaging products.