To continue my series of household applications using Intercept to protect my personal belongings from rust/corrosion, mold and mildew, I present to you my backyard “Tent of Meeting”. Liberty Packaging sells Intercept packaging to numerous companies in the United States for the protection of their industrial goods. Intercept has allowed many manufacturers to ship and store products safely anywhere in the world. Due to my experimentation and success with home use of Intercept for unusual applications, I daresay I’ll soon be Intercept’s best proponent.
My “Tent of Meeting” covers our patio from the sun, rain, pollen, droppings etc. It is a delightful place to hang out for weekend breakfast or to sip a cocktail. I paid around $150-$200 for the 10‘x10’ tent, which is a perfect fit for the space. Of course, when the New England Fall weather kicks in, it is time to bring the tent down and place it into storage.
Last year, the fabric portion of the tent was inserted in an Intercept bag and stored in my garage, which is not temperature and humidity controlled. In past years without Intercept protection, I would open the manufacturer’s package, then promptly clean the fabric of mildew and dirt with a strong detergent before reassembling the tent. Last spring, I removed the tent canvas from its Intercept protection and promptly placed it on its frame. Perfect, no mildew, no bugs, no degradation, ready to go. I will have additional years of performance from this tent because Intercept will protect the fabric from the degradation that the mold and mildew of storage would normally inflict upon it. Another successful Intercept application not only saves me money, but reduces waste. 
Here are links to previous stories in this series:
I’m a Fan of Intercept Packaging: Protection for My Home Possessions
Intercept Packaging Protection - Creative Uses in the Home

Intercept Technology Packaging products fit within a sustainability strategy because they are reusable, recyclable, do not contain or use volatile components (No VOCs, Not a VCI) and leave a smaller carbon footprint than most traditional protective packaging products.
Liberty Intercept Blog
Intercept Storage Protection – Fabric
Posted by Joe Spitz on Aug 21, 2012 1:16:00 PM
My “Tent of Meeting” covers our patio from the sun, rain, pollen, droppings etc. It is a delightful place to hang out for weekend breakfast or to sip a cocktail. I paid around $150-$200 for the 10‘x10’ tent, which is a perfect fit for the space. Of course, when the New England Fall weather kicks in, it is time to bring the tent down and place it into storage.
Last year, the fabric portion of the tent was inserted in an Intercept bag and stored in my garage, which is not temperature and humidity controlled. In past years without Intercept protection, I would open the manufacturer’s package, then promptly clean the fabric of mildew and dirt with a strong detergent before reassembling the tent. Last spring, I removed the tent canvas from its Intercept protection and promptly placed it on its frame. Perfect, no mildew, no bugs, no degradation, ready to go. I will have additional years of performance from this tent because Intercept will protect the fabric from the degradation that the mold and mildew of storage would normally inflict upon it. Another successful Intercept application not only saves me money, but reduces waste.
Here are links to previous stories in this series:
I’m a Fan of Intercept Packaging: Protection for My Home Possessions
Intercept Packaging Protection - Creative Uses in the Home
Intercept Technology Packaging products fit within a sustainability strategy because they are reusable, recyclable, do not contain or use volatile components (No VOCs, Not a VCI) and leave a smaller carbon footprint than most traditional protective packaging products.
Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, corrosion, mildew, mold, outdoor storage
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