Liberty Intercept Blog

Contamination Testing

Posted by Joe Spitz on May 21, 2024 11:02:06 AM


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Topics: American manufacturing, better packaging, reliability, reasons for packaging, standard tests, contamination

Packaging's Crucial Role vs FOD

Posted by Joe Spitz on May 20, 2024 3:54:44 PM

In the battle against foreign object damage (FOD), packaging plays a vital role in safeguarding products against contamination.

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Topics: American manufacturing, barrier packaging, better packaging, ESD, reliability, reasons for packaging, innovation in packaging, long-term storage

Customer Service with a Smile

Posted by Joe Spitz on Apr 3, 2024 11:23:39 AM

"What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?" – George Eliot, Novelist

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Topics: American manufacturing, reliability, Liberty Packaging, customer service

Plan for the Worst

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 16, 2021 2:52:25 PM


Prepare for the Worst

The 8 Questions Manufacturers Must Ask


     Current supply chain delays have been reported and discussed extensively by news outfits and logistics experts, with predictions that these delays will continue for much longer. The "just-in-time" philosophy is no longer in play. With this in mind, it’s important to note: corrosive gases will always be in the ocean’s atmosphere; the amount of time spent in transit, especially via ocean freight, increases exposure and can affect the reliability of your product.

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Topics: oil-free packaging, reliability, plastics, supply chain safety net, quality assurance, recyclable, protective packaging, outdoor storage

Reliability on Center Stage

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Feb 7, 2013 12:42:00 PM

Over 110 million Americans tuned in to watch the Super Bowl in 2012, and for three straight years the Super Bowl has broken its own viewer record, priming this years’ (2013) to be, again, the most viewed television event in history (even before the official numbers come out). There is the typical build up and fanfare surrounding the event, and why not; it is the quintessential BIG American event. This year was different. The story lines set this one apart: two young coaches who are brothers (who probably have the fiercest rivalry and adoration for each other), an all-time great retiring, a mid-season second year backup quarterback turned sensation, and the list goes on. My favorite story line, albeit a quiet one, had to do with Joe Flacco.

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Topics: reliability, packaging, Static Intercept

Packaging the IEEE - an Association for Excellence in Electronics

Posted by Joe Spitz on Jan 29, 2013 10:03:00 AM

“We solve product reliability issues with our Intercept Technology barrier packaging” is one of my elevator speeches. Because of this association with and passion for reliability issues, Liberty Packaging is a member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and the Reliability Society, a technical Society within the IEEE, the world’s leading association for the advancement of technology. The New York City headquartered IEEE is dedicated to the advancement of technical innovation and excellence. It boasts over 400,000 members in more than 140 counties.  The Reliability Society has 24 chapters and members in 60 countries worldwide. The Boston/New Hampshire/Rhode Island IEEE chapter whose meetings I attend, is recognized as one of the top three most active chapters worldwide every year. That recognition is a credit to its dedicated volunteer officers.

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Topics: American manufacturing, corrosion, boston, IEEE, reliability, quality

Reliability vs. Product Defects

Posted by Joe Spitz on Jun 16, 2011 7:16:00 AM

I had the opportunity to hear the vice president of a major computer company speak about reliability and the tactics they use to achieve increased product reliability.  Because human nature strives to keep things the same and views change as uncomfortable, he emphasized that the change process was long and arduous. This VP was brought in like the new sheriff arriving in Dodge City. It was apparent he had complete executive support to change this company’s operation and design systems; in doing so he would enact a change in its culture. It worked famously. Their return has been extraordinary; they achieved tremendous increases in product reliability which led to lowered cost of goods on every level of the corporation and a stronger reputation amongst their customers.

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Topics: American manufacturing, reliability, quality, cost of goods reduction

4 Failure Modes Affecting Electronics

Posted by Joe Spitz on May 10, 2011 5:49:00 AM

Where the icky brown rusty corrosion is easy to see on ferrous metals (steels; iron based), corrosion on non-ferrous metals is less visually intrusive, but may be more debilitating.  The electronics industry uses both ferrous and non-ferrous metals in their manufacturing.  Many of the chassis and support structures may be made of steel, but the conductive non-ferrous metals used for electron pathways are typically copper, silver, aluminum, and/or their alloys.

Here are four problems that can occur from corrosive reactions to the non-ferrous metals in electronics and their assemblies:

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Topics: corrosion, reliability, labor cost, reduce costs, quality assurance, electronics corrosion

Reliability and Quality on My Team

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Apr 5, 2011 4:07:00 AM

The title does not refer to my beloved Red Sox, but to my own home team at Liberty Packaging.

We've finally launched our new Liberty Packaging Co., Inc., website - this project (like many home repairs) was a little more involved than initially expected but the results are spectacular. Our initial plan was revised moderately as we progressed and we're grateful for the beautiful design work of our long-time web and graphic designer, Steve Parrish, of Parrish Design. Steve did all the heavy lifting and provided the appropriate guidance and hand-holding for us to complete our homework assignments, providing him with the content required to finish the job. Steve is a reliable member of our team and has been almost since we started Liberty Packaging.

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Topics: reliability, manufacturing, Liberty Packaging

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