Liberty Intercept Blog

Contamination Testing

Posted by Joe Spitz on May 21, 2024 11:02:06 AM


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Topics: American manufacturing, better packaging, reliability, reasons for packaging, standard tests, contamination

Packaging's Crucial Role vs FOD

Posted by Joe Spitz on May 20, 2024 3:54:44 PM

In the battle against foreign object damage (FOD), packaging plays a vital role in safeguarding products against contamination.

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Topics: American manufacturing, barrier packaging, better packaging, ESD, reliability, reasons for packaging, innovation in packaging, long-term storage

Statue of Liberty Copper Patina = Corrosion

Posted by Joe Spitz on Feb 6, 2024 3:03:28 PM

“The first step to change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” 

~Nathaniel Branden

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Topics: barrier packaging, better packaging, manufacturers, Statue of Liberty, manufacturing, quality, corrosion prevention

Practical Applications for Intercept: Covers + Liners + Inserts

Posted by Joe Spitz on Sep 29, 2023 12:48:20 PM

“The first step to change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” 

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Topics: better packaging, manufacturers, custom packaging, manufacturing, outdoor storage

Retail vs Industrial Packaging: Yin and Yang

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Nov 28, 2017 4:18:53 PM

From Wikipedia: “In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (陰陽 yīnyáng, lit. "dark-bright", "negative-positive") describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.” The intent of retail packaging versus that of packaging for industrial use may seem unrelated at first glance, but I maintain they are most certainly connected.

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Topics: better packaging, reasons for packaging, quality

Top 5 Questions About Intercept Technology Packaging

Posted by Greg Spitz on Nov 16, 2015 7:05:00 PM

Here are some of the questions we have received and answered most recently:

1. Can I have Intercept in pre-made shrouds/bags? Yes. In addition to our standard on-shelf sizes, Intercept Packaging material can be custom converted to best fit whatever size you need.

2. Does Intercept fit into a reusable packaging program? Absolutely. In fact, it is the best packaging material to choose and a reusable program can be accomplished by choosing Intercept flexible films or fabrics and/or rigid trays, totes and lids.

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Topics: barrier packaging, better packaging, Intercept Technology, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, Intercept barrier packaging products

A Look at Packaging Costs

Posted by Joe Spitz on Oct 8, 2013 8:45:00 PM

You may have seen the TV ads. An actor, dressed in black, with stubbly beard and dark hair, looking for all the world like Tony Soprano’s nephew, as he sits smugly with this legs up on the table. He kicks the competitor's bottle of vodka off the table and proclaims that his brand pours him a measured shot, while inquiring what the competitor’s brand does for him. Sticking with alcoholic products, one beer brand has a thermometer imprinted on the side of the can, in case the consumer can’t tell if it’s cold while touching it and needs a visual confirmation of the beer's ice-coldness; another may have a new type of tear tab, or larger mouth, to allow more beer to be consumed quickly.  It’s happening with most consumer products; the packaging is a greater selling point than the product within. It appears consumers want these conveniences. In many of these scenarios, the cost of packaging is likely greater than the cost of the product it contains.

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Topics: better packaging, industrial packaging, retail packaging

Safe Packaging for Guitar Strings....

Posted by Joe Spitz on Jun 14, 2012 10:00:00 PM

....because for a guitarist, touching strings is personal.

If you have been in the music equipment business for any length of time, you may know of the copper Corrosion Intercept string bag pictured at left. Intercept Technology is a Bell Labs innovation which protects products from rust and corrosion, mold and mildew, and static charges. Intercept enables this protection while not releasing any volatile chemicals. Your products inside Intercept will remain fresh and your customers and employees are assured not to have complex chemicals on their fingers from playing your strings or in their lungs from inhaling. 

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Topics: better packaging, guitar strings, corrosion prevention, sustainable packaging

Packaging and Buried Treasure

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Feb 2, 2012 9:15:00 AM

From guest blogger Albert Greenhut of EMI.

I recently spent a year working in South Africa. The majority of my working hours were spent navigating the winding streets of townships helping organize and manage HIV/AIDS educational programs for kids. In my free time I tried to put myself in fun adventurous situations, like bungee jumping over the Zambezi River (in which I rafted down the class 5 rapids the day before), island hopping in northern Madagascar, safaris, climbing Kilimanjaro, and hunting in the South African bush.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, better packaging, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, good packaging matters

Packaging: It's All in the Swing

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 6, 2011 9:43:00 AM

The weather has been unseasonably warm in New England recently, allowing us in this hardy group to participate in outdoor activities such as one of my favorites, hitting golf balls at the driving range. Because of surgery and the subsequent recovery, I haven’t been able to golf for the last few years, but with nice weather and a now-healthy body, it was great to swing the club at the ball again. Of course, for a rusty golfer, there were more misses than that crisp feeling of striking the ball cleanly.

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Topics: better packaging, good packaging matters, packaging industry, protective packaging

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