Liberty Intercept Blog

Contamination Testing

Posted by Joe Spitz on May 21, 2024 11:02:06 AM


Manufacturing Cleanroom Entrance

   ASTM E595 is the standard test method for measuring the total mass loss (TML) and collected volatile condensable materials (CVCM) from materials that outgas. This test is crucial for ensuring the suitability of materials used in applications like spacecraft where outgassing can compromise performance and safety.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects of ASTM E595:

Materials Tested: A wide range of materials can be evaluated using this method, including organics, polymers, and inorganics, commonly found in various forms like films, foams, coatings, and lubricants.

Test Conditions: The test subjects the material to a vacuum environment at 125°C for 24 hours. This simulates the conditions experienced in space and accelerates the outgassing process.

Measurement Parameters:
    • TML: Total Mass Loss - This represents the overall weight loss of the material due to outgassing.
    • CVCM: Collected Volatile Condensable Materials - This indicates the amount of material that outgases and condenses onto a collector plate at a cooler temperature (typically 25°C).

    Acceptance Criteria: The criteria for passing or failing the test depend on the specific application. Historically, a TML of less than 1.0% and a CVCM of less than 0.10% have been used as benchmarks for spacecraft materials.

Overall, ASTM E595 provides a valuable tool for assessing the outgassing characteristics of materials and ensuring they meet the critical requirements for clean and reliable performance.

Static Intercept® Results - TML .02% CVCM .002%

Materials and What Damages Them


Topics: American manufacturing, better packaging, reliability, reasons for packaging, standard tests, contamination

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