Liberty Intercept Blog

Packaging: Your Economic Moat

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Jul 16, 2014 11:20:00 PM

Value Proposition: a positioning statement that explains what benefit you provide, for whom, and how you do so in a way that is unique from your competitors. It describes your target buyer, the problem you solve, and why you're distinctly better than any alternative.*

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging

Our Neighbors, Through the Eyes of a World Soccer Fan

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Jul 12, 2014 10:13:00 AM

Once every few years the whole world joins together around a single event. The Olympics do it to an extent, but there’s no other event quite like the World Cup. TV statistics help us get a handle on this. In the USA an estimated 111 million people watched this year’s Super Bowl (this may be thrown off a bit by viewing parties, for both the game and commercials). The Chinese Olympics drew a total of 3.6 billion viewers. The 2010 Fifa World Cup in South Africa drew a total of 3.2 billion viewers, marking a 10% rise in viewership over the 2006 world cup. Brazil, at 200 million residents, is the largest country to host a World Cup, since the USA hosted in 1996. I understand that the Olympics and World Cup are both drawn- out spectacles with many individual games, but I anticipate, given the worldwide infatuation with soccer, or futbol, that this year’s final will be the most watched event in history, topping the Beijing Opening Ceremonies as listed by official ratings.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging

New Intercept Woven Material - Innovative Packaging

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Jun 13, 2014 2:01:00 PM

INTERCEPT WOVEN - Intercept Technology is now available in a 20 mil thick, scrim reinforced, weather resistant, woven cloth that can be stitched and sealed into reusable packages. The Intercept Woven has been great for the automobile and construction equipment industries encouraging easy reusable/returnable packaging programs. With the ability to install handy package entries, Intercept woven can be used over and over again while keeping what is inside pristine for years if need be. Handy and safe for outdoor storage.

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Topics: industrial packaging, innovation, corrosion prevention

Corrosion on Guitar Strings and How to Solve with Packaging

Posted by Elaine Spitz on May 6, 2014 8:52:00 PM

We've had the good fortune to meet many engineers, managers, and business owners in all types of businesses, who are also musicians. I'm pleased to share my favorite Intercept Technology Packaging success story with this intriguing short video presented by Greg Spitz. If you're a musician, know anyone who is, or you just love music, you'll want to watch.... stringed instruments players, you may recognize the copper-colored bag shown in this video.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, anti-corrosion, corrosion, guitar strings, rust

The Creative Content Guy

Posted by Joe Spitz on Apr 18, 2014 2:33:00 PM

Perhaps you’ve noticed the increased quality and style in Liberty Packaging’s shared content over the last year. This improvement can be attributed to our newest creative and tech staffer, Greg Spitz.  Certainly, his last two videos “Corrosion - Its Natural” and “ESD and Static - Fun With Science” are unique and engaging.  Greg took on two very complex subjects which continue to be studied in great detail by generations of scientists, engineers, and other specialists. There are associations, companies such as Liberty Packaging, seminars, white papers, trade shows and other groups specifically geared to the study and management of corrosion and ESD.  Greg stepped back to view the big picture on these issues and simplified them for two three-minute videos that just make sense. We urge you to take a look.

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Topics: corrosion, ESD

Intercept Packaging - Joe's Creative Uses at Home - Paint Cans

Posted by Joe Spitz on Apr 16, 2014 11:19:00 AM

Oh, paints! One of my pet peeves as a homeowner is when it comes time to use the paints for touch-up after they’ve been stored for a time, they are a mess and unusable (see gunky rusty metal paint can at left compared to nice clean paint can after storage in Intercept packaging). The cans become rusty and cruddy, the paint inside and thick, gunky, with rust particles from the can floating through it. The issue for me then becomes the disposal of up to a half gallon of bad paint. The oil-based paints are deposited at the town’s hazardous waste drop-off, collected once a year, which is fine if I am available on that day. Latex paints are supposed to be dried out and placed in the general trash...I don’t like that. Drying out paint in the can is an unrealistic chore. Disposing of paint in the general trash pickup just doesn’t feel right.

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Topics: waste, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, how to reduce waste

Giving Back

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Apr 15, 2014 11:06:00 AM

Intercept Technology requires a high level of service and response for our customers’ needs. In doing so we get very involved with our customers and we carry that mentality to our suppliers, distributers, and peers. I have been a Team Captain for a St. Baldrick’s event in Washington D.C. for the last two years. Both of these events have been successful in the area of fundraising, over $35,000 each time going to childhood cancer research, and in raising awareness. Each participant shaves his/her head to emulate cancer patients. This cause is important to me because my niece has recently completed a 2+ year treatment for Philadelphia Chromosome Leukemia. Each year I have traveled to the event, participated, and fundraised, and returned home with less hair!

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Topics: Community service

Corrosion - It's Natural

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Apr 2, 2014 11:53:00 AM

Corrosion can be explained as a natural phenomenon, however, we still need to understand how best to keep products, machinery, electronics, parts small and large, safe from corrosion, rust and degradation. This quick video is rich with information: 

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Topics: effects of pollution, anti-corrosion, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, anti-fungal

ESD and Static - Fun With Science!

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Mar 18, 2014 11:18:00 AM

Here's an entertaining and informative look at some of the basics of electrostatic discharge, hosted by our favorite Science Guy, Don Donovan, Head of the Science Department at Thayer Academy. 

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Topics: barrier packaging, ESD, electronics packaging

Intercept Technology: Better For Our Planet

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Mar 11, 2014 3:56:00 PM

Environmental award-winning Intercept Technology Packaging has a 20+ year history of helping companies store and ship their products around the world, reducing waste, reducing reworks and defects and more! Do you want to reduce or eliminate the use of protective oils in your warehouse or manufacturing plant? With Intercept packaging, you can easily do that.

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Topics: oil-free packaging, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, how to reduce waste

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