Liberty Intercept Blog

Intercept Technology Packaging - the Jim Thorpe of Packaging

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 21, 2011 9:40:00 AM

I was watching my beloved Patriots last Sunday and, at the risk of alienating football fans dedicated to other teams, I am continually impressed by Coach Bill Belichick’s methodology. Strange as it may seem, his methods are personal for me because of the barrier packaging we represent.  Belichick’s personnel system flies in the face of what is conventional today and this approach is similar to our Intercept Technology barrier packaging. Let me explain.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, heavy duty barrier, mining equipment, electronics packaging

6 Steps to Creating a Rust Inhibition Program

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 14, 2011 8:18:00 AM

Liberty Packaging’s Recommended 6 Steps to Placement of Rust Inhibition Program

 1. Know that nature is fluid:  Where man’s understanding is derived from categorizing, nature is fluid and sometimes unpredictable. The atmosphere is ever changing.  Sure, in general, there are corrosive areas where it becomes more difficult for companies to ship and store, but that cannot always be predicted.
    Dramatic events such as:
    volcanos, tsunamis, earthquakes, wind storms, and hurricanes
    along with the understated variations such as:
    temperature changes, humidity, dew point changes, seasonal vegetation decay
    and man’s contributions to the atmospheric change with:
    emission releases and landfill placements
All can increase the amount of dust, soot, and corrosive gases in the atmosphere ready to rust your hard earned products. For this reason unanticipated problems may occur in areas where your company may have shipped previously without problems. If your product has value to you and your customer, prepare for the worst.

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Topics: anti-corrosion, anti-corrosion barrier packaging

Packaging: It's All in the Swing

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 6, 2011 9:43:00 AM

The weather has been unseasonably warm in New England recently, allowing us in this hardy group to participate in outdoor activities such as one of my favorites, hitting golf balls at the driving range. Because of surgery and the subsequent recovery, I haven’t been able to golf for the last few years, but with nice weather and a now-healthy body, it was great to swing the club at the ball again. Of course, for a rusty golfer, there were more misses than that crisp feeling of striking the ball cleanly.

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Topics: better packaging, good packaging matters, packaging industry, protective packaging

Innovation in Packaging and Other Amazing Materials

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Dec 1, 2011 9:16:00 AM

We love all things packaging here at Liberty Packaging. We also appreciate innovation in other areas. ThomasNet's Industry Marketing News recently presented five breakthrough materials that have the potential to change the way we live. Even if you're already familiar with any or all, you cannot disagree: this is the stuff of which science fiction is molded.

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Topics: ThomasNet, innovation in packaging

Green and Sustainable Packaging

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Nov 28, 2011 9:35:00 AM

Whether in business, or in our personal lives, part of doing the right thing these days involves increasing attention to sustainability concerns. With that in mind, we wanted to reshare some of our posts dealing with environmental and sustainability issues, in the world of packaging and beyond, beginning with our post defining the term "sustainable packaging" with the help of the SPC.

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Topics: sustainable packaging, plastic packaging waste, recycling packaging

Recipe for [Packaging] Success

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Nov 21, 2011 8:07:00 AM

Most people appreciate a well-tested recipe. For that reason, I'm happy to share the recipe depicted at left, which was submitted to Southern Living Magazine by a Texan named Kathryn Watkins in 1984, and tested to be delectable by me and my dinner guests many times over. It would be a rich and delicious addition to your Thanksgiving (or regular day) table.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, anti-corrosion barrier packaging

Good Packaging - Star of the Day

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Nov 18, 2011 7:15:00 AM

We've discussed here before the notion that manufacturers and distributors of packaging take a beating in the press, particularly from those who (rightfully) would have us be "greener" or more "eco-friendly". The fact is, the packaging industry makes changes to implement a more environmentally friendly focus daily. New materials, processes, waste elimination, recycling and upcycling capabilities and more are always in progress, coming to a grocery or factory shelf near you. More discussion is given in the mainstream press about retail packaging, however, the same eco-friendly mindset is being established within all industries, not just those to which the consumer has direct access.

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Topics: industrial packaging, good packaging matters, innovation in packaging, packaging innovation

Quality Manufacturing in America - Industrial Art

Posted by Joe Spitz on Nov 15, 2011 8:15:00 AM

I had the opportunity in the last few weeks to visit some factory floors. It is always thrilling for a curious man to view and hopefully participate in how things are made; the tools and equipment used, the noise of machine activity, laborers exerting, monitoring, being creative, deriving solutions, being productive; good old work fun. Because of the unique heavy duty barrier packaging we represent, Liberty Packaging has the opportunity to work with people at companies pursuing changes that help them become more environmentally safe while gaining cost savings. We help them by reviewing their processes to see if we can help things work better, easier, more efficiently. In my recent visits, these factory floors were busy and vibrant; very satisfying.

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Topics: American manufacturing, barrier packaging, quality

The Genesis of Intercept Technology

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Nov 8, 2011 9:36:00 AM

We think the invention of the Intercept Technology packaging product line makes for a pretty nifty story. Like so many inventions, Intercept packaging materials came from a project that was started to solve a problem otherwise unrelated to its current use, which is to eliminate the challenges of rust, corrosion, and ESD on metals and electronics.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, anti-corrosion, heavy duty barrier

American Manufacturing - Free Trade and American Jobs

Posted by Joe Spitz on Nov 3, 2011 10:18:00 AM

Within the business journals I read most days (chiefly, Industrial News and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce), all in the business community seem to agree that the recent Free Trade Agreements with South Korea, Columbia, and Panama will be a boon for the United States’ economy. This enthusiasm is easily recognized when industry-leading businesses seem genuinely excited about this news. Here are some past quotes from prominent U.S. industry CEOs:

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Topics: American manufacturing, industrial packaging, heavy duty barrier packaging

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