Liberty Intercept Blog

CHIPS Act: General Information          Part I in a series

Posted by Joe Spitz on Feb 15, 2023 1:22:01 PM

Discussion: The U.S. Government's $52.7 billion Chips for America Fund

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Topics: American manufacturing, manufacturers, electronics packaging, Semi-conductor

Intercept Technology as Insect Barrier

Posted by Joe Spitz on Jan 2, 2023 11:26:49 AM


"Some of the greatest leaps humanity has made have been fueled by our greatest inventors, Americans who have changed the course of history with their brilliance and dogged perseverance." ~USPTO Director Andrei Iancu

    2022 was an exciting year for the Intercept Technology Group and Intercept Packaging. Global Director, Keith Donaldson, was awarded a United States patent in April in the Insect Barrier category. This is a well-deserved reward for Donaldson’s years of relentless and dedicated pursuit in the advancement of INTERCEPT Technology™. More important is his success in finding solutions for companies worldwide and in doing so, making the world a better place by encouraging the use of Intercept Technology materials in varied and challenging situations.

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Topics: anti-microbial, Intercept barrier packaging products, environmental issues, insect barrier

Connections - the Weakest Link

Posted by Joe Spitz on Oct 24, 2022 10:55:26 AM

In conversation with a young union pipe fitter (Local 537) at the local pub, he shared how they prepare metal surfaces for welding, soldering, joining, and where the stress points are. Our man emphasized that with any pipe system, it is the joints or the connections that are the most susceptible to failure. It occurred to me that is the case with most products, simply, the weakest link is where materials meet.

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Topics: barrier packaging, ESD, quality, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, electronics packaging, quality assurance, Static Intercept, Corrosion Control, Static

Plan for the Worst

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 16, 2021 2:52:25 PM


Prepare for the Worst

The 8 Questions Manufacturers Must Ask


     Current supply chain delays have been reported and discussed extensively by news outfits and logistics experts, with predictions that these delays will continue for much longer. The "just-in-time" philosophy is no longer in play. With this in mind, it’s important to note: corrosive gases will always be in the ocean’s atmosphere; the amount of time spent in transit, especially via ocean freight, increases exposure and can affect the reliability of your product.

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Topics: oil-free packaging, reliability, plastics, supply chain safety net, quality assurance, recyclable, protective packaging, outdoor storage

19 Hours: an Intercept CU22 Mask Wearer's Travelogue

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Dec 29, 2020 4:54:41 PM

A COVID-19 Travelogue by guest poster Frank Kroekel of Germany

19 Hours

    A year ago today some of us heard that there was an infection on the rise in China. Hardly anyone would have believed how this would impact our everyday lives. Straight out of a doomsday fiction, not even Hollywood would have dreamt about the scale of the impact of this virus.

    Now, with so many people having lost their lives because of a tiny virus, the changes we are seeing in our traditions and behavior are staggering.

    I have always travelled the globe for work, for fun and for meeting people. This came to a sudden stop in February. We all now know how important it becomes to protect each other and ourselves. This is easier said than done. Wearing a mask for a few short minutes when one runs into a Supermarket or a Gas Station is one thing; being required to wear a mask for 19 hours straight another thing entirely.

    I had to do so in November, when I boarded a long-overdue flight to the US, then to Mexico and for my return to Germany.

   From entering the airport terminal in one country to leaving it in another. Anticipation of the long duration of restricted airflow for my breathing provided me a bleak outlook. I chose to use an INTERCEPT CU22™ mask. Not only does it provide a comfortable and secure fit, the mask contains a filter made from INTERCEPT CU22™ copper polymers. Unique in its function, the mask has proven to kill both bacteria and viruses (including the current Coronavirus) on contact.

    If you wear the mask for straight 19 hours, it is nice to change into a fresh one, before you get to that taxi for your final hotel. The special INTERCEPT CU22™ bag your mask arrives in has the same function as the filter, providing clean storage for my mask between uses. leaving it in another. Anticipation of the long duration of restricted airflow for my breathing provided me a bleak outlook. I chose to use an INTERCEPT CU22™ mask. Not only does it provide a comfortable and secure fit, the mask contains a filter made from INTERCEPT CU22™ copper polymers. Unique in its function, the filter has proven to kill both bacteria and viruses (including the current Coronavirus) through contact. 

    Unlike some of the masks made in China, which you can use for only a few minutes, my INTERCEPT CU22™ masks provided the comfort of easy breathing with additional safety all through my trip. I felt safe! And I did return safely, having been tested several times after my return. An unexpected benefit is that a comfortable mask that feels safe adds to better mask compliance. 

    It’s what I owe to myself and to all those around me.

                                                               Frank Kroekel


SHOP INTERCEPT CU22 Masks and Filters

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Topics: Copper, anti-microbial, CU22, COVID, mask

Corrosion via Corrugate

Posted by Joe Spitz on Jan 9, 2020 10:29:19 AM

Without barrier protection in place, paper fiber corrugated cartons may cause corrosion on products stored within. In fact, even a product stored for just four weeks in a corrugated box that meets the archival standards established by the U.S. National Archives and is at the upper limits of the sulfur level specified, would see corrosive sulfur potential exposure equivalent of greater than 20 years of natural exposure. Four weeks is not a lot of time for shipping and storage, especially if that carton is shipped overseas and/or into humid, harsh environments where air pollution is prevalent.

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Topics: corrosion, barrier packaging, packaging, quality assurance

EASTEC 2019 for Innovative Manufacturing

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Mar 5, 2019 7:51:16 AM

Liberty Intercept is planning our biennial appearance exhibiting Intercept Technology Packaging at EASTEC 2019 at the Eastern States Expo facility (home of The Big E) in Springfield, MA, May 14 - 16. Sponsored by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), EASTEC is the East Coast's premier manufacturing trade show. We invite you to be our guest!

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Topics: manufacturing, trade show, EASTEC

More Than Just Fire Retardant Film

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 17, 2018 12:48:50 PM

Lately, we have had more requests for our fire retardant film, known as AT-FR. The most unique aspect of this NASA tested and approved AT-FR is that not only is the plastic film a clean halogen-free fire retardant (FR) polyethylene film, but it also dissipates static charges or arcing. Isn’t that smart, not only to prevent fires after ignition, but also aiding as a barrier in preventing fire from igniting in the first place. Being static dissipative, AT-FR is great for keeping electronic devices safe from electrostatic damage (ESD).

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Topics: ESD, fire retardant, atfr

What Makes a Chopper?

Posted by Joe Spitz on Jun 11, 2018 3:01:41 PM

In a recent conversation, a prospect looking at our web site saw the picture of the efficiently barrier-wrapped helicopters for storage and commented that “this barrier packaging may be too much” for them. In sales and marketing, that is one of the problems with showing the most impressive applications! Folks may think that they are priced out of usage, but in most instances, that is not the case.

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Topics: plastics, electronics packaging, quality assurance, outdoor storage, total cost assessment

New Corrosion Control Program

Posted by Greg Spitz on Mar 28, 2018 5:46:03 PM

Consider this statement on corrosion from the Government Accountability Office in 2011:

“Corrosion destroys equipment, decreasing readiness and reliability while causing safety hazards and increasing maintenance and other ownership costs. The Department of Defense (DoD) estimates corrosion costs the department over $23 billion annually.”
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Topics: Corrosion Control

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