Liberty Intercept Blog

Packaging My Gift To You: Celtic Triquetra Knot

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 30, 2012 9:31:00 AM

As my gift to you, I present the Triquetra, the Celtic Trinity Knot.

Interlacing pattern design within the endless knot dates back to the Roman Empire, where they were used as decorations on floor mosaics and architecture.  These knot design has been found in other historical civilizations, most notably traced to the Celts during the Iron Age, when the Celts became experts at making jewelry and other artisanal items.  There are many designs and some are quite sophisticated in their patterns.  The Triquetra has three corners, so was embraced by early Christians to represent the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Other religious groups have also identified with this three-cornered weave design to represent mind, body and spirit or peace, joy, and love. 

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Topics: boston, packaging

Packaging the Husky - Household Applications Series

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 4, 2012 10:10:00 PM

To continue my series of household applications using Intercept to protect personal belongings from rust/corrosion, mold and mildew, here is a story about my snow blower.

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Topics: waste, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, good packaging matters, heavy duty barrier packaging

Take Ownership of Your Environment

Posted by Joe Spitz on Dec 1, 2012 11:18:00 AM

“Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift.” ~Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

“All excesses are inimical to Nature.  It is safer to proceed a little at a time, especially when changing from one regimen to another.” ~Hippocrates (c.460 - 400 BC)

I went out to shoot pictures of nature’s beauty, determined to present only nature’s splendor and not the trash within view. Finally, the Great Esker Park did it to me. I would have in my view finder all these alluring images, but if I were to zoom out or pan to a slightly different angle, there is the trash spewed about in all its ugliness. It was like a rash underneath my skin that I couldn’t scratch.
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Topics: effects of pollution, waste, how to reduce waste

Rewarding the Good Deed - Intercept Technology Packaging

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Nov 8, 2012 11:24:00 AM

Being involved in sports since childhood, the concept or reality of prizes and awards has been a constant over the years. Even in this politically correct age, where everyone needs to receive a ribbon for every attempt, some prizes still retain their value and worth. Prizes in sports follow the same theory as Olympic medals, (though with less fanfare and certainly with a lower precious metal content) which is to celebrate and recognize hard work, perseverance, and most importantly to represent and honor achievement and performance.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging

How I Learned To Love Detergents

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Oct 25, 2012 9:13:00 AM

Today's post is from Liberty Packaging's Director of New Business, John Murphy, pictured at left during his days at Murnell.

Many years ago I took a considerable risk for our family business in hiring chemist Bill Drinan, away from the Butcher Wax Co., based on Bill’s impressive know-how for formulating detergent and disinfectant compounds.  I spent long hours studying  saponification (converting grease and oil to soap), and the more I learned, the more business opportunities appeared with increasing frequency.  Together Bill and I structured a program for manufacturers with the essentials for a successful detergent technology degreasing operation such as: effective products, the correct water temperature, the right dilution ratios, the best handling practices, the proper rinsing, clean solution preparation, and the right equipment.  In doing so, I was setting my future, although I didn’t realize it then. I just knew I needed to work hard enough to feed my six children.

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Topics: American manufacturing, oil, detergents, manufacturing

Our Packaging Colleague: John Murphy

Posted by Joe Spitz on Oct 23, 2012 11:52:00 AM

He’s tall. In winter time, he wears a hat from his collection of Stetsons and his face, underneath these wide brimmed cowboy-style hats, looks like Gregory Peck.  He has a deep voice to accent his command of words and concepts. 

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Topics: American manufacturing, oil, detergents, manufacturing

Packaging Art for Preservation

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Oct 10, 2012 9:12:00 AM

Todays post is from the files of frequent guest blogger Albert Greenhut of EMI.

I recently had a challenge most museums never face. I had the opportunity to expand my wall space to display my ever-increasing collection. The fact is that museums can have up to 95% of their collection in storage at any given time, and given the other fact that museums typically do not get rid of any pieces of their collection (rather, slowly adding to their collections over time) they are in a constant crunch due to continually diluting their amount of wall space.

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Topics: effects of pollution, consumer products, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, environmental effects of volatiles

Packaging A Superior Brand

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Sep 24, 2012 10:17:00 PM

Peter Drucker*, the father of modern management, wrote, “the purpose of a business is to generate new customers, and only two functions do that: marketing and innovation. All other business functions are expenses.” A strong brand is invaluable as the battle for customers intensifies every day.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, Bell Labs, Statue of Liberty

Intercept Technology Packaging Now Standard at ABB North Carolina

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Sep 10, 2012 9:30:00 AM

The following piece is from the Intercept Technology Group international news page:

A Baldor motor manufacturing facility in Kings Mountain, North Carolina, US, was recently acquired by ABB. The Baldor facility had a business model that primarily focused domestic distribution. In the past the plant had used a combination of no protection, or traditional preservation wrapping methods because there were few constraints on a relatively short shipping cycle. Given the fact that international shipping takes longer, a more robust packaging solution was needed. With that in mind ABB has standardized its international shipping and has decided to use INTERCEPT Technology™ exclusively.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, industrial packaging, cost of goods reduction, auto parts

Intercept Storage Protection – Fabric

Posted by Joe Spitz on Aug 21, 2012 1:16:00 PM

To continue my series of household applications using Intercept to protect my personal belongings from rust/corrosion, mold and mildew, I present to you my backyard “Tent of Meeting”.  Liberty Packaging sells Intercept packaging to numerous companies in the United States for the protection of their industrial goods.  Intercept has allowed many manufacturers to ship and store products safely anywhere in the world.  Due to my experimentation and success with home use of Intercept for unusual applications, I daresay I’ll soon be Intercept’s best proponent.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, corrosion, mildew, mold, outdoor storage

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